I was worried about seeing the game go away before I got a couple things accomplished, i.e., getting all the rooms of furniture and at least a couple photo albums filled. I only have 2 levels of Haunted House to go to finish off the last room of furniture and have filled 3 photo albums, so I am quite content with the game ending soon, if it is to be. I only had 3 or 4 games in the house arcade that I had either not started or not completed all 3 levels using my account but got to play them using my son's account (he, by the way, lost all interest about a month or two ago, now playing other CN games, Nick games and NickJr games). Other than playing Cracking Up, I don't play any of the other games because it is too easy to lose gifts if you don't get a good score. So for me I log on, do my favor and chores, get a new adventure and game every 3 days and log off. So I can see interest waning with other people too because 1) the game is getting "old" or 2) with no word of new updates there is a what's-the-point attitude. I agree with Vicks that the declining interest could somewhat be measured by the total lack of postings for nearly 3 weeks.
xoS deR oG