You may be the first person I've heard of who felt a little bitter after watching SITR, jj. I personally think it's a monumental movie and a feel-good one at that. To this day it never fails to put a smile on my face. Jean Hagen does give an oustanding performance as Lina Lamont, but I don't see her as the scene-stealer that many fans make her out to be.
I can understand how an antagonist who isn't an all out terrible person getting such a brutal comeuppance doesn't work well today. However in the context of the film and the time it was released I think it works quite well. But you know jj, I think because of your interpretation the next time I view this movie I can view it as a black comedy. Something that I'd never anticipate from a musical from '52. I'm always open to looking at films in new ways, and to that I sincerely thank you.
From the thinnest thread
We are sewn together
From the finest string we dangle over time
From the highest wire
We walk through fire
Should our balance ever falter
Should our steps be unaligned
Last edited by AerostarMonk; 10-22-2007 at 11:33 AM.
Reason: MD really wants an Oscar.