Originally Posted by Zeitgheist
antgirl1: I don't hate anyone on foster's I just don't connect with wilt  I can't see him and me getting along too well. XD but yeah, bashers can go to... well, Heaven, because Hell seems pretty cool and they do not serve that D; they deserve eternal bliss of boredom
pitbulllady: see, that's one thing I dislike about the fan "view" on wilt :[ that he's "emo" and "broken on the inside"... but perhaps I've just gotten sick of pics and fanfics of Wilt crying like a little girl. My own humble opinion of Wilt is that while he may have had some regret, he didn't let it get to him THAT much.. I mean, 30 years is a long time. If he was that depressed he'd be dead now D; I see him as a compulsive soul rather than a depressed one
Most of my opinion comes from the make believe day when he decided to join the bad guys because he felt it was his duty XD it shows that he most likely has a compulsive behaviour rather than trying to mend something greater
I don't care for the "emo-crybaby, self-mutilating" Wilt as is so often depicted in fanfics myself, but just because a person, ESPECIALLY an adult male, does not wear his heart on his proverbial sleeve does not mean that he's totally happy, either. Men from the culture from which Wilt came typically do not show sadness, and tend to bottle up such emotions, or "man up", as they say. Crying or showing other outward signs of grief, guilt, or sadness are generally thought of as signs of weakness in a man, although they're perfectly acceptable for a woman. Wilt' feelings of guilt and remorse were very obvious by the time the movie came around because he simply couldn't deal with those bottled-up feelings any longer. That IF-creator reunion picnic was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. It wasn't as if Wilt just suddenly, out of the blue, remembered the outcome of that game and how disappointed Jordan had been. He'd been carrying that around, deep inside, for 30 years, and there's no way that anyone can harbor feelings like that, for that long, without it affecting their behavior in SOME way. Instead of becoming a morose, sullen, sobbing wreck all the time, though, Wilt displays those negative feelings by tending to blame himself, not just for that game, but for just about everything that goes wrong for anyone. His poor self-esteem is evident when he tells Mac that there are plenty of other Friends who deserve to be adopted much more than he does, and even when he tells Jordan, "I'm not that great". Wilt doesn't see himself as so many others see him, and it goes beyond merely being humble. Wilt puts up a good front to keep others from knowing what's going on inside that psyche of his, lest his mood affect theirs in some negative way. So much of his behavior is due to him not wanting to hurt anyone else, or disappoint anyone else, including a lot of his compulsiveness, or rather, his tendency to "waffle" in indecision as he mentally weighs the pro's and con's of doing or not doing something. This is something that people my age tend to do, actually(I catch myself doing this a LOT), which is why even though Wilt is only in his thirties, I had him pegged as someone at least a decade older, lol.