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Old 10-18-2007, 03:14 PM   #7
WiltsAKGirl17's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Zeitgheist View Post
Mac n' Cheese and Bloo Cheese

You can get it in your local store, no need for recipes
Then the recipe would be, "Buy a box of Macaroni and Cheese and make according to package directions," wouldn't it? (Just a thought...)

I thought of a new one, but I need to bug my friend for a recipe. Sorry, y'all...

Sorry-- inspiration just struck!

Bloo and Cheese-Burgers ( & )

Make hamburger patties as you like them (Medium-well, well-done, etc.). A few minutes before the patties are done, sprinkle each burger with bleu cheese. Let melt, serve immediately as desired.

P.S. I imagine that if you're a vegetarian you could do this with a veggie patty in place of a meat one, but I can't guarantee the results-- I've never tried it.

Last edited by WiltsAKGirl17; 10-18-2007 at 03:24 PM. Reason: Inspiration just hit me like an 18-wheeler...
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