Thread: October Update
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Old 10-18-2007, 08:06 AM   #9
Settling In
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I wish I had read the tips Vicks gave before playing this game. The first time I played I did not do much trying to trap ghosts because I kept pressing the wrong key and drilling a hole on the wrong side (I am not very game savvy and have only owned a Coleco and original Game Boy in my lifetime. I broke so many joysticks in frustration playing the former that I finally called it quits to playing video games). It took me almost 30 levels to get to my high score of ~1700. I played again today to show my son the game and did a little more trapping and waiting for bonuses and got to around 1300 in around 20 levels. I do like the fact that bonuses pop up a lot and do not disappear quickly (unlike Bedtime Bedlam) and that you have a lot of time to complete a level. I don't like that when you fall off a level you don't "drift" if you press the L or R arrow key. A couple times I dropped right onto a ghost. But overall it is a fairly easy game to play and anyone should be able to get all the gifts the first or second time around.
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