Thread: October Update
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Old 10-17-2007, 07:24 PM   #7
At Home
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 191

Nah, it's more Lode Runner. Jumpman and Jumpman Jr were my all time faves. Okay, well, I have a lot of faves, but those two were at the very top of my list with Lode Runner. In neither game could you "shoot" that I recall, you were shot at, but couldn't shoot. Remember, you jumped and had the ladders and up and down ropes? That may jog your memory some.

In fact, my brother found a TON of old games we used to play on the 64 and he's got them on the xbox. Not sure where or how he got them for that (I don't ask questions), but I've played them and it brings back soooooooo many memories.

It's really neat that Craig and Co. have incorporated a lot of old games and shows into their cartoons and BFAHP. I love it!
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