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Old 10-17-2007, 06:59 PM   #5
Lady of Brightwood
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Location: The Emerald City, in the Evergreen State, where everything is GREEN
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"It". Beef liver, lard, leftover peas, old "slime-ized" lettuce and brussel sprouts, old hard rice, the scrapings from old jam jars, and any other leftovers in the fridge that you know you will never use otherwise. Put it all in a blender, and serve as is. Yucky!

Bloo's Chicken Salad Sandwiches Your basic chicken salad recipe with extra celery. Spread on white bread, and enjoy.

Old Coot's Pudding Your basic chocolate pudding recipe, but instead of made with milk, it's made with vanilla flavored Ensure protein shake.

Foster's Trail Mix Equal amounts of honey roasted peanuts, salted almonds and cashews, pretzel sticks, granola, crushed taco shells, dates and freeze dried bananas. Mix together, and then add one raisin.

Mac's Hiccup Remedy A tablespoon of peanut butter, a bottle of hot sauce, a gallon of water, and a lemon. Keep eating and drinking until hiccups are gone.

Madame F.'s Survival Food Toothpaste and acorns! Just keep eating until you find REAL food!

And..... I'm out of ideas. Maybe I'll think of more later.
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