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Old 10-17-2007, 04:34 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
I moved this to the "general" board because it's not an actual like, discussion thread about the show itself, just something Foster's related. It's not a big deal and I'm sure there are other threads that could be moved...I just actually noticed this time, lol.

I cook a LOT and I can probably come up with something for this thread...other than "Mac's Bloo's Baloney Sandwiches".
Oops. Sorry, Sparky. I just stuck it somewhere (I don't even remember where, honestly...)-- I was in a bit of a rush because I was supposed to be writing an essay (that's due tomorrow!) at the time.

Oh yeah. I just remembered. Regarding my comments about making crepes (see first post in thread)... They turned out fantastic. (Again, just in case someone cares. Besides, I'm sure we can tie crepes to Foster's somehow.)

Last edited by WiltsAKGirl17; 10-17-2007 at 04:38 PM. Reason: Merging posts
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