People who connect with Bloo tend to either dislike Wilt, or just prefer him as background. Wilt and Bloo are polar opposites, and it's hard to relate to one and still like the other. Me, I barely can tolerate Bloo, and that's only because he does have some funny lines. If I actually had to spend, like 10 minutes with him, I'd probably wind up hurting him, which is ironic, since I myself tend to be insensitive at times, though nowhere near the extreme that Bloo is, and I'm not much like Wilt at all, personality-wise. Wilt represents maturity and responsibility, though, things which I, as an adult, respect, and things which many people find reason to rebel against. Bloo is totally opposed to those things, so I cannot relate to him. Still, I don't like it when Bloo is in any danger, or gets hurt, or is threatened in some fashion. I don't get any pleasure from seeing him suffer, unless he totally brought it on himself. I felt sorry for him in "Blooooooooo!" when he had that rotten cold, and when he got mad and gave Chuck away in "Bloo's the Boss", then realized he'd gotten rid of something he really cared about. I felt bad for him in "Sweet Stench of Success", even though he DID bring that on himself! I would have to absolutely hate a character to actually want to see that character suffer and to get pleasure from their pain, and there's no one on this show that I despise that much, not even a certain IF from you know...that place up there...with the bacon. Bendy MIGHT be an exception, though, but I guess he's probably got a legitimate reason for acting like he does, and he did seem genuinely distressed at being separated from his kid, so I really can't comprehend someone enjoying seeing one of the characters put in a really unpleasant situation. To each their own I guess...