Here's something fun I thought up when I was thinking about my next cooking assignment in my Home Ec class (crepes, just in case y'all care): Foster's-inspired recipes.
The way this works is, you give a recipe that already exists a new, Foster's-y name and give us a brief how-to-make-it lesson.
Here are my two:
Bloo and Berry Muffins (


Take any standard blueberry muffin recipe, but add equal amounts of raspberries, cranberries, whatever (ex.: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup raspberries). Bonus points if you add food coloring to make the batter Bloo- or Berry-colored!
Coco's Cocoa (You had to know someone would go here after seeing the pilot ep...)
Make 1 envelope of instant hot cocoa according to pack directions. Add ground cinnamon and vanilla extract as desired. Stir and enjoy! (Whipped cream optional.)
Have fun cooking!