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Old 10-16-2007, 02:29 AM   #6
Executive Weasel Ball
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Coming up with a top 10 list might be a little tricky for me, since there are only two anime series I'm presently into - Wolf's Rain and Weiß Kreuz (which, as I mentioned in the "Cartoon Crushes" thread, I'm kind of a newcomer to). Wolf's Rain I'm attracted to for the engaging, complicated stories and characters, and the beautiful artwork and character designs, particularly the wolves themselves, who are magnificent creatures. My online rental service has been sending me the various DVD volumes pretty intermittently over the past several months, and I currently only have one more to go before I reach the conclusion. It's been quite a ride.

As I've mentioned, at least part of my enjoyment of Weiß Kreuz is of a derisive nature - the animation quality certainly has nothing on Wolf's Rain, and it is quite fun to chortle at the cut-price techniques they often dip into (on top of which, the stories can be a tad melodramatic), but I'd say it has something more going for it than just as a Mystery Science Theatre experience. The series follows the exploits of a group of nocturnal assassins who work as florists during daylight hours to cover their operations, with several entertaining twists and turns along the way. It's pretty violent for my normally very squeamish tastes, but since they rarely ever show any real blood or gore (presumably because the budget wouldn't allow), I can just about handle it. And I do quite like Schuldig (whose name means "guilty" in German). He took a while to show up, despite being in the opening credits sequence from the start, but he's a fun antagonist.

There's a very small handful of anime series I used to watch in my mid-teens but haven't really had anything to do with since. Like Sailor Moon for example. Used to watch it a while back when it was on Fox Kids, now I don't remember much about it at all. I wish I could come up with something useful to contribute to the new Sailor Moon thread...but the only thing I think I really paid attention to were those talking cats. I do love talking cats.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 10-17-2007 at 01:28 PM.
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