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Old 10-08-2007, 10:08 AM   #1
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Default CheeseQuest... the actual game?

Yes. They made a CheeseQuest game.
And I found myself guilty of liking it. After all that being annoyed at the Season Two DVD cover art. But that's mostly because it is, like the video, in the style of an old console game. Also, Cheese doesn't speak during the game. No pointless screaming. And it has all the power-ups from the video. "Lady Power-Up" and "Monkey Dance Session" are in there, right where they belong.
The story is that evil potatoes, cinnamon rolls(?) and aliens have stolen the world's supply of "juice boxes". Cheese must embark on an epic journey with his friends Horsey and Water Horsey to gather the juice boxes.

Actually, it doesn't have a plot. If it did it would be something like that. Anyway, here it is. Play:

CheeseQuest: The Brother Lady Saga

...if you dare!
This is the placeholder signature. I might actually think of something to put here one of these days.
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