Thread: Cheese
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Old 09-15-2006, 08:46 AM   #71
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Originally Posted by Sims Katie View Post
Lol maybe from Louise

Maybe, even though Louise is never around when Cheese is often causing mayhem... I always imagine conversations between Louise and her Mom to go a little something like this.

Louise's Mom: Honey, where's cheese?

Louise: Aw he was scratching at the door, so I let him outside.

Louise's Mom: Well shouldn't you be with him? You know how much of a handful he can be.

Louise: Nah its okay, he always just goes to that big house on Wilson Way and hangs out there all afternoon.

Louise's Mom: I see. Wait, that doesn't have anything to do with those constant answering machine messages I get from some really cranky lady and some British guy with a college vocabulary.

Louise: Could be, who knows?
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