I'd leave it alone until the patch comes out; it's not worth losing your game.
As things stand with me, I have the game on three different computers and the only one that it's working on is the ancient Gateway Profile 4. My main system keeps giving me the Blue Screen Of Death and the laptop is a sad joke. The fact that my old system runs it at all is very surprising; the graphics aren't pretty but the game does work, even though it shouldn't. I got it into my head to see what would happen if I added a second RAM card to the unit; it had been operating with 512 MB. So off I went to Best Buy, where I shelled out too much money to bring my RAM up to a full gigabyte. Oh my stars what a difference! The game doesn't run or load noticeably faster, but the improvement in the graphics was almost like the difference between regular TV and High-Definition. It looks almost as good as it did on my other two systems. I think it might help my laptop game considerably. I am not convinced that additional RAM will make any difference on my main computer, as I still don't know what's causing the crashes, but I suppose it's worth a shot. Time to call my accountant again.