Woo I love these =D
Which episode of the entire series do you believe is the best?
I'd have to say "Bus the Two of Us", mainly because of Bloo in the beginning, where he leans out the window barking at the dog, and then gets hit by a sign ;]
Which episode of the first season do you believe is the best?
"Blooooo", it was a fun episode, and I like ghost-type things :]
Which episode of the second season do you believe is the best?
"Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree", and "Frankie My Dear." I enjoyed Mac's sugar rush at the party, and Orlando Bloo just about killed me from laughing so hard. I also liked seeing Frankie more :3
Which episode of the third season do you believe is the best?
"Land of the Flea", because seeing Bloo's, Coco's and Wilt's reaction to when Ed is talking to the fleas, and then introduces the trio to the fleas, makes me crack up :]
Which episode of the fourth season do you believe is the best?
Well since "Bus the Two of Us" is my favorite of the entire series (so far), I'll just say my second favorite episode for this question =P Which would have to be "Neighbor Pains", because Orlando Bloo returns and once again I couldn't stop laughing =P
Which episode of the fifth season do you believe is the best?
Subject to change, but as of now it's "Schlock Star", I enjoyed the whole episode but the beginning hit me, since I act just like Bloo does when some weird noise wakes me up and I can't find the source :]
Which of the five seasons do you believe is the best?
Again, subject to change, but probably season 4.
Which of the special episodes do you believe is the best?
Good Wilt Hunting.
Which of the shorts do you believe is the best?
"Petrified Pet" I believe it's called. The ending made me laugh =D
Which human character do you believe is the best?
Frankie, she reminds me so much of myself, and she acts just like me, or maybe I act just like her =P
Which Imaginary Friend do you believe is the best?
Wilt, for various reasons :] Shortly followed by Bloo of course~
Which “minor”, or background character, do you believe is the best?
Jordan Michaels, he's awesome =D Also, Mr. Edmonton, I'm so glad he was mentioned in this topic already. I think he is awesome =D
Last edited by Nem; 09-18-2007 at 12:14 PM.