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Old 09-18-2007, 10:13 AM   #3
A Caring Individual
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 327

Which episode of the entire series do you believe is the best?
Ooooh... you're making me decide? I'd have to say Go Goo Go, simply because of the fact that you really felt for Goo, and this episode taught me something important... the value of friendship.

Which episode of the first season do you believe is the best?
House of Bloo's. It's a cute story full of warmth, and was something I could relate to.

Which episode of the second season do you believe is the best?
Frankie My Dear. Frankie deserved a day off from her chores, and it was nice to see a side of her we don't usually get to see.

Which episode of the third season do you believe is the best?
See my above post, Go Goo Go.

Which episode of the fourth season do you believe is the best?
Squeeze the Day, because if I were to visit my friend who was living in a mansion that big on his own, I'd do some crazy things too.

Which episode of the fifth season do you believe is the best?
At this point, it's Affair Weather Friends. It had a twist I didn't see coming, and I really felt for Mac in this episode.

Which of the five seasons do you believe is the best?
I'd rather not say at this point since we haven't seen all of the 5th season... is that ok?

Which of the special episodes do you believe is the best?
Good Wilt Hunting. This was another episode that made me cry, because the characters felt so real. I also love what Wilt says on the plane about why he wants to stay at Foster's.

Which of the shorts do you believe is the best?
I really love Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. School Picture Day has always been a nightmare for everyone, but it was the worst for Mac. XD

Which human character do you believe is the best?
Mac. I see a lot of myself in him, and he has a vivid imagination like a lot of us.

Which Imaginary Friend do you believe is the best?
Eduardo. I see a bit of myself in him, since I feel like a child at heart, and I like potatoes!

Which ?minor?, or background character, do you believe is the best?
Even though he hasn't really said anything, or had any form of a role... Mr. Edmonton. Seriously, he's a sharp dresser!
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