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Old 08-25-2007, 11:19 AM   #12
Holy Toledo!
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Dr. Doom wasn't really intact if you want to go by actual comics. He's more of a weak amalgam of Ultimate Fantastic Four's Victor Van Damme and Marvel-616's Victor Von Doom, and not really the best of either of them. Not to say he's not a good villain for the movie he was in. But he was a very weak representation of the character he was based on.

As for the reboot of the Batman film franchise, it was something that was needed. By the time Burton and Schumacher got done with it, while still representative of various eras in the Batman mythos it wasn't really reflective of the comics today. Something which both the studios and a lot of the fans wanted. You can argue about the changes made, but I think we can agree that changing Gotham back from a Neon-Glo East Coast city of sin to a city with a shiny exterior hiding a seedy and cancerous underbelly in some places better than others was a good direction. Not to mention that this is actually a second reboot in the past 10 years even. Whether people want to admit it or not there was absolutely no relation to Burton and Schumacher's Batmans. So instead of choosing which to go with they decided to start from scratch.

What I will say is that I'm not fond of what I've heard about Nolan. Apparently, like Burton, he also has no interest in Batman in the comics. He wants Batman to be more reminiscent of James Bond. I think they really should stop hiring directors who have no true respect for the sourrce material and only want to put their own spin on things. There's nothing wrong with having different interpretations. By all means that's what these re's are for, but at least respect your source, whether it be a comic, book, movie, song, whatever. Otherwise why bother to re-anything?
From the thinnest thread
We are sewn together
From the finest string we dangle over time
From the highest wire
We walk through fire
Should our balance ever falter
Should our steps be unaligned
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