Originally Posted by scary_dream
Ooooh I like this! It reminds me of whenever they used to make cartoon- or movie-based video games for the NES/SNES and they had to redo the music.
With this I can get a mental image of what a Foster's game on one of those would look like on the NES or SNES - I could maybe see every character having a different needed skill, like Eduardo being able to pick up heavy things, Wilt being able to reach high-up things, Coco being able to produce set things on a whim...
Of course it would be HARD as is every other cartoon-based NES/SNES game. If you've ever played the Animaniacs on SNES you'll know what I'm talking about.
1) Well there is that Foster's game coming out for the Game Boy Advanced this Winter, which from the look of things will be a side scroller, only in this case the only playable characters will be Mac and Bloo.
2) Yes, I've played Animaniacs for the SNES and I share your pain, but I can't stay mad at Konami because they did also release that awesome Adventures of Batman and Robin game, around the same time.
3) And so as not to thread jack I'll just say once again this music track was "teh Awesome" and hopefully you'll make some more in the near future, HappyFoppy.