Thread: Foster's Dreams
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Old 09-11-2006, 04:27 PM   #28
Foster's Legend
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And here's mine.

Me and Fala were at a convention. Dressed up in Gothic like Lolita stuff, hers was Tartan if I do believe. This real awful guy was hitting on her and she wasn't impressed with it at all. Wilt then made his appearance and told the guy to litterally [wee] off, and kicked him in the knee.

I don't recall the next bit.

Then later we're at an amusement park that's inside a shopping complex (to get this you must know that Myer City Centre in Adelaide once had a ride at the top of it's 9 story tall building but then got closed down; but in my dream it was Marion MegaPlex where the ride was. In other words, where it never was) and Wilt's still with us and me and Fala wanna go on a rollercoaster. But the guy tells Wilt he can't come on because he's too tall to ride the ride.
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