07-24-2007, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Lake George
Posts: 1,500
Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Those particular animated shows that you mentioned were aired in that era of my life when I thought that animation was for kids only, unfortunately, so missed out on them. I grew up in the sixties and seventies, so I watched the things that were shown in that era. There was no Disney Channel or video games(unless you count "Pong") or Cartoon Network, just three regular networks, and animation was limited to Saturday mornings or some weekday afternoons, but weekdays were mainly the domain of Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street. Most of the cartoons of my day were pretty lame, actually, following a formula which either involved a bunch of teenagers and some talking, anthropomorphic animal or other non-human riding around in some odd vehicle solving mysteries and looking for ghosts or other scary things(which always turned out to be humans in disguise), or some cutesy pop music group that solved mysteries on the side, or some cutesy-but-smart underdog character trying to avoid the always-stupid-and-bumbling Bad Guy, who was always out to get him, usually to eat the Good Guy, but often for no apparent reason at all. There really wasn't much in the way of a plot to any episode and no character developement. I guess that the creators of animated tv shows didn't think that kids were intelligent enough to need things like plots, and animation was just made to keep the kids in front of the tv and sell sugary cereal. Probably the most intelligent of the shows I watched was "Johnny Quest", where there was actually a sort of plot and the animation was pretty good, but again, no romance, though I vaguely recall an episode in which "Haji", the Indian boy, had a crush on some Indian girl. That was about it, and my memory is probably not accurate enough that far back so that episode might not have happened.
Thundarr the Barbarian rocked my world. That was the 80's, though.
Jonny Quest was great. So un-Politiclly Correct. Haji. LMAO.
dirka dirka
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?