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Old 07-23-2007, 11:09 PM   #36
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Gotta love being in love  
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I remember it quite vividly from the toons I watched as a kid. Darkwing Duck, Beast Wars, Tale Spin, Rescue Rangers, Sonic the hedgehog (SATam), Extreme Ghostbusters, and to an even weirder extent, Bucky O'Hare and the Toad wars (which featured a interspecies couple which I still am WIGGED out over).

I think during my search for examples or shows I ended up mentioning kids and I think that's how it all got started. Disney does often have romances, but there are quite a few toon movies that do it as well. Cat's don't dance was an especially beautiful toon movie with a very cute romance I'd love to have seen more of.

Also the older days I remember when I FIRST saw Pokemon and got so excited seeing/finding episodes or pictures that hinted towards Ash and Misty's romance, which in my opinion is still the most perfect anime couple around. I saw the Pokemon LIVE show and i nearly crappy my pants seeing "Misty's song" live.

It was an indescribable feeling seeing two characters I watched for so much of my childhood years to make those cute blushing colors on their cheeks, and say comforting words to each other. This may sound sappy from me but it's the truth, these romances these small moments impacted me so signifcantly.

Even if it was just for a few seconds, even if it was only a brief glimpse into Eduardo and Kylie from Extreme Ghostbusters or a small glance seeing Chip or Dale fight over Gadget in Rescue Rangers. That one moment was strong enough to touch me personally for a lifetime, and I REALLY want that feeling again.

That's why I got so excited when a newer show like Teen Titans and Justice League brought some animated couples to a more modern age. And even though I felt these newer relationships lacked the heart warming comfort of the ones I grew up on, I still really hope and look forward to reliving those expierences with toons of today.
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