You know, I cannot recall any of the cartoons I watched as a kid having any romance in them at all! I watched mostly Hanna-Barberra stuff, since that pretty much dominated kid's tv in those days, which was LOOOOOONG before Anime' made it to the US shores(with the exception of "Speed Racer"). There was ALWAYS a romance in the animated Disney movies, of course, but I can't recall any on tv whatsoever. Even among the characters that were married, like Fred and Wilma Flintstone, they couldn't even be seen sleeping in the same bed, and the romantic aspect of their relationship was definately played down. Most of the movie animation these days has gotten away from the traditional Disney-style "happily ever after" storytelling that features a young couple who fall in love as the central characters, in favor of comedy and/or adventure, so yeah, in that respect, animated romance does seem to be lacking, but I really don't think that tv animated romance has either increased or decreased since I first started watching tv.