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Old 07-23-2007, 01:40 PM   #26
Newly Abandoned
The girl with the vocabulary  
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: That place... to the right a bit... with all the tea!
Posts: 3
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Seen everything from Make Believe it or Not downward, along with GWH, Neighbourhood Wash, Bad to the Phone, Drawing Bored, Give Pizza a Chance, Fistful of Cereal, Petrified Pet and Truth or Stare.
Thanks to Never Forgotten?s Downloads page, many other shorts (too lazy to check which ones) are nestled safely in my harddrive ready to be viewed any time.

?Course, most episodes I saw had their audio completely drowned out either by neighbourhood lawnmowers, the Herriman-like whittering of boarding school staff or the Goo-like whittering of the residents they babysit. But hey, that?s why DVD box sets and Sky+ were invented.
*kisses her wonderful, wonderful Sky+ boxywoxy*

I'm currently spending my days waiting for an advertisment to pop telling me that Britain are finally getting Season Five.
Holy buckets, you too?! Well, you can never be too vigilant I suppose? and no better kind of stake-out mission than one involving non-stop cartoons?
I believe the phrase you're looking for is 'beep.'

My avatar is a creation of CG's.
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