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Old 07-22-2007, 10:22 PM   #26
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post
I particularly agree with ptps -- it's sometimes nice to have no defined "pairings" so that people can draw their own conclusions. People will always analyze the most inconsequential, near-invisible clues, though, so you can't really win either way.
In a way you can, those people you mention that make up their own conclusions and ideas about relationships usually don't have much power or voice so I wouldn't worry too much about it. People usually differ from "official couples" when the line is drawn so thinly in shows about certain couples.

Sora for example from Digimon was always pictured and idolized as Tai's love, but in the 02 show she ended up with Matt and it happened kind of abruptly. People still fight about it but like I said, most people don't mess with canon relationships because they know "this is the way these characters are".

People who change it are either super obsessive or just too nuts over a character to accept the true end result of that character's love life. In a sense you do win, people who support official couples easily outweigh those with fractured versions of official couples more then you realize.

Originally Posted by kageri View Post
Plus, developing a relationship over time is continuity, and many kids' cartoons are purposely designed so that they can be watched out of order and you won't miss a thing. Character development is also usually absent, so it would be weird with one and not the other.
Truthfully, I think EVERYONE is more or less annoyed by that lack of continuity. It's stupid no matter what age your show is aimed at. You make a show that has more then one season, your going to need to tie things together. You can't just build up characters and ignore past events.

Teen Titans used to have that problem but thankfully they fixed it. And actually, more kids shows do that then you think. Power Rangers held its continuity for ten long years, Batman and Superman animated series did the same thing and tied into Batman Beyond, Static Shock, and Justice League.

Originally Posted by kageri View Post
And let's be honest -- do we really want some of these characters in romantic relationships? Many cartoons aimed at a young audience star characters who are young themselves, as well as characters who are not only young but also have absolutely no depth whatsoever (Billy).
Uh....yes? Just because your young doesn't mean love can't exist, Ben 10 is only ten years old and already he had a girl he crushed on. If they have no depth (like Billy) then it makes sense why they wouldn't give em a love interest. But after 15 episodes or so, love in one way or another becomes a part of that depth

Originally Posted by kageri View Post
I'm tired of shows about a meek, bland, spineless dude who is surrounded by buxom, foxy women, or a couple who is obviously meant to be a pairing but spend 358734553462347847823782 episodes/volumes denying it and beating the crap out of each other.
I agree on that, it's simply used alot because in japan that's a popular "formula". I'd rather enjoy seeing that formula then the nauseating "let's have the guy get insulted every single episode by the women and THEN develop a romance after you've virtually destroyed the guy inside and out for 20 eps" (Ranma 1/2, Love Hina etc.)

Anime romance is good to have no matter how much you see of it because aside from a few cliche formulas, their couples are some of the strongest I've ever seen in animated Tv history.
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