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Old 07-20-2007, 01:39 PM   #1
Newly Abandoned
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Cambs, UK
Posts: 13
Default Time to say Hi :o)

Been lurking around recently hoping to find out some bits, but figured i should join up and say hello to everyone ........ so hello to everyone

I'm from Cambidgeshire in the wet place known as the UK. I'm quite a new fan of Foster's ( yep, even a 30yr old male can be a big fan ) , catching the episodes on the Boomerang channel. Luckily i also have a 4yr old son who is also a fan, so that helps

My main reasons for lurking around was for info in finding a Cheese plush for my son ( already managed to get a book, colouring book and figure box set ). We've got baby No. 2 due in August and Cheese is going to be a present from the baby to our Son. After missing out on several Cheese's on that lovely place called ebay, i finally managed to get one at a very good price today, so i'm quite happy

I never realised that Foster's had such a big following (websites, forums etc ),especially as it seems toys, books etc here in the UK are non-existent.
Now i've joined up, i'll have to make sure i start to post and enjoy the site.

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