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Old 07-18-2007, 10:13 PM   #15
A Caring Individual
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One of the biggest issues with romance in a cartoon deals with My Life as a Teenage Robot. Basically it's like this... Jenny has two good friends that she cares for a lot, Sheldon and Brad. Now the one thing is that because of these two, the whole fanbase is in a constant war to figure out who the official couple is. Most have taken to Jenny/Brad, but the problem is in MLaaTR, Brad is flirting with human females, and Jenny's a robot. Sheldon's a 5 1/2 ft. geek, with an attraction to Jenny, and Jenny has shown signs of affection for him.

It's gotten so bad, that the whole MLaaTR fanbase is at each other's throats, that it's become divided, and ultimately falling apart. Rob Renzetti, MLaaTR's creator, stated in interviews that Jenny/Sheldon is canon, but nobody wants to accept this idea, because Brad is "sexier" to teens.

As for romance in anime... personally it seems too predictable. The main female is usually something of a spirit of a girl from the lead male's childhood, and when she reveals her angel wings, the main male is shocked, and finds out somehow that she died. It's like it's trying to be a shocker, but it's become the biggest cliche in romantic anime.

That's... how I feel about it anyway.
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