Thread: Uhm...hello =)
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Old 07-18-2007, 04:53 PM   #1
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Default Uhm...hello =)

Hi =D

I guess you could say I am new, I've been lurking for probably around a month or so :3

I finally got the courage to register, though I probably won't post much because I am incredibly shy, as ridiculous as it sounds :3

Anyways just thought I'd say hi. If anyone is curious, I guess I'll post a little about me =D;

I'm a 20 year old female, and I am currently heading towards obtaining a degree in Geology. I really like animals, and I have a pet German Shepherd who is all white and is a big sweetie. My favorite characters from Foster's are both Wilt and Bloo (though I like Wilt most), but I do enjoy the rest of the characters just as much.

I don't have much merchandise, just a Wilt plush, a Wilt t-shirt and Cheese t-shirt that I got from Hot Topic, and also a notebook that has the main characters on it =D

I guess that's it =D Now I shall return to lurking and posting very rarely =D!
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