Originally Posted by Sparky
I kinda always thought there was too *much* romance in cartoons ("*id's *cartoons, I mean). I never have, either in childhood or adulthood, watched a kid's cartoon to see romance. BUT then, I know I'm not typical. I'm not trying to argue with you, you asked for our opinions and that's mine.
No, I'm glad your speaking your mind, I consider this a more VALID response. I don't watch toons to see romance but I never really complained when they put it in there either. Sailor Moon was filled with romance yet it wasn't the sole reason I watched it, I was also into the whole super hero fighting evil bit.
I think what I feel is that I don't want it to be overflowing or suffocating, but I think it wouldn't hurt to maybe mix a tiny bit in more so then they have been doing lately. One thing I've always liked seeing about them in shows is the progress, it gives you something to see more of and wonder about.
The Teen Titans romance with Robin and Starfire I found to be very interesting, and whole it was certainly more subdued then most toons have done it, it created a compelling conflict I wanted to see to it's completion. Kinda like how Batman loved so many women but never really settled down.
It's an interesting challenge to give characters a chance to love, you never know what comes out of love and that's what i find interesting about it in TV shows.