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Old 07-14-2007, 09:32 PM   #78
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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Originally Posted by cartman414 View Post
For a person coming in from Orange County who has no plans of staying at a hotel, what's the best course of action? Park at/near a trolley stop, find a parking lot/garage if possible, or go by train?
Parking near a trolley stop is what we did last year. The trolleys are great. IF you do this, heed my advice:

1) GO EARLY. Get there EARLY. No sleeping in. GO EARLY. You'll thank me. The Hall opens at 10 I believe, so get there before that. The lots do fill up, woe to you if you get there and they're all full.

2) Beware of scam artists. There are people who put on official-looking blazers and convince people to give them money instead of using the machines that you SHOULD use, by putting Out Of Order signs on them and handing out those little red raffle tickets you can pick up at a stationary store. Happened to us last year; according to the guy directing traffic we talked to, happens every year, and its hard for them to keep those guys away. So if you use one of those lots, use the ticket machines. (It was $5 a day last year.)

3) Unrelated to parking and you probably know this one, but bring your own food. If all you want to drink is water, just bring a bottle, you can refill it there for free. I like those little drink mix packets made just for the 16 oz bottles.

4) Look for us there.

Last edited by Sparky; 07-14-2007 at 09:33 PM.
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