Thread: Crackers
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Old 07-10-2007, 03:33 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by jekylljuice View Post
Of course, I imagine I'd face fierce competition for ownership of Crackers from koosie...well, he can have the little darling on weekends. Every other weekend, that is.
Maybe that would be fair. I hope you like your garden mysteriously filling up with statues and other tributes.

Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Crackers, along with Red, are two of the IF's who make me wonder if only kids or families with kids can adopt from Foster's. Crackers just seems like one one of those little spoiled dogs that belongs on the lap of some doting little old lady, who'd think nothing of plunking down a few hundred dollars for a be-jeweled collar or a trip to some exclusing Beverly Hills pet groomer, though I can also see a little girl(the sort who'd beg for one of those toy dogs that you can brush and groom)wanting an IF like that. Red, I always thought would belong with another old lady who was really into flowers and gardening, who would be more than happy to have someone like him around, who appreciated her green thumb efforts and was willing to pitch in.

You know I'd never seen Crackers like that. Maybe I like that Crackers is so small and vulnerable you can't help feeling protective but I've also noticed Crackers has a really wicked little smile, especially as Tarantula pointed out when Eduardo does his crazy idiot push-bike stunt. Still if you think Crackers would like stuff, I'm sure a few hundred dollars isn't too much.

Now as a gardener myself, Red would be a great enthusiastic companion for me apart from the fact that too much of his surface area touches the ground. I have enough trouble myself crushing delicate little plants under my clumbsy large feet. A large bouncing cube may be even less welcome. Sorry Red, stick to being furniture.

Back to Crackers though, I can't wait to see these new episodes to start Crackerswatch again. Dear old Crackers.

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