Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Crackers, along with Red, are two of the IF's who make me wonder if only kids or families with kids can adopt from Foster's. Crackers just seems like one one of those little spoiled dogs that belongs on the lap of some doting little old lady, who'd think nothing of plunking down a few hundred dollars for a be-jeweled collar or a trip to some exclusing Beverly Hills pet groomer, though I can also see a little girl(the sort who'd beg for one of those toy dogs that you can brush and groom)wanting an IF like that.
Hey, if Crackers ever wants to come and sit on my lap and have me dote upon him, he's more than welcome to (just throwing my own stance into the gender debate, I'd always accepted Crackers as a male and I'd find it hard to dispel that notion from my head now, even if "his" gender ever
was confirmed as feminin, just as it took me years to stop thinking of Nermal from "Garfield" as a female, despite the clear and unambiguous references to his masculinity). Right now I couldn't afford a jeweled collar or any kind of expensive grooming scheme but, as I'm sure my cats would be willing to attest, I can give fairly good belly massages.
Of course, I imagine I'd face fierce competition for ownership of Crackers from koosie...well, he can have the little darling on weekends. Every
other weekend, that is.