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Old 07-09-2007, 10:22 PM   #190
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I loved the pilot because it was awesome and heart-warming and sweet, but then the next episode totally threw me off. When I was introduced to Foster's it was on a Season 1 DVD package so I watched everything in one go, and it was... really disturbing... to see how Bloo went from sweet and lovable, best buddy IF to downright selfish, trouble-making, annoying and wild. IN ONE EPISODE. At that time I was really looking forward to seeing more of the friendship heart-warming thing that was set up in the pilot, and when I was done with Season 1 I just took Foster's to be a "meh" series and didn't bother watching any more.

And then I found "Mac Daddy". XD Which dragged me back in again and is the episode I always make my friends watch first.

I guess it's true, that Bloo in the end HAD to be a trouble-making wildcard to make the show interesting and as a contrast to all the other nice IFs. And I appreciate the show a lot more now watching them as they are rather than making constant comparisions to the Bloo in the pilot. I love the current Bloo, he's completely crazy. It just came as a really unpleasant shock to watch the pilot, fall in love with this sweet blue thing, and then have him act totally the opposite in the next episode. O_o;

The current Bloo does have his nice moments though; he isn't a complete jerk all the time. Coco Cards is one of my favorite "nice Bloo" episodes. Coco actually got him to apologize with sincerity XD And he was really sweet in the end of "Bloo's the Boss" even if he complained about not getting recognition afterwards. XD

I'm just glad the show is the way it is now. It's made me laugh loads.
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