Originally Posted by jekylljuice
Spiffy drawings there, Lynnie. I love the Renaissance Faire one especially. And you've nailed Coco's likeness very nicely. 

I'm really happy with the Ren one too. I spent the longest time on Frankie to be sure she
looked like her, and she actually turned out pretty good. The scan doesn't do her justice, though. I really regret drawing that one on the back of junk mail. For one thing, the creaces are distracting. For another, the colors are off because the paper wasn't white. Oh well. We live, we learn.
For the first time drawing Coco (and the others, for that matter), I was surprised how well she came out. Hands and feet have always been tough for me, and I usually try to find some way to "hide" them. But it didn't turn out too bad.