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Old 07-08-2007, 09:34 AM   #1
Settling In
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Talking Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix

Ok this is a thread about the movie Harry potter and the order of the phoenix, Its coming soon in theaters on July 11! The movie looks awesome and its rated PG13 but I bet you can still go in and see it. But remember if your going to see the movie don't kick seats turn off your cellphone and don't talk just whisper and if you have kids don't bring your baby or your 3 or 4 year old kid cause they will cry through the wholething by the loud noises trust me i know. But the movie looks really good dosn't it and it has Lord Voldemort in it and 2 new characters as well and I bet its going to so good and the new harry potter book is coming out omg this is so exciting!!!
I love horror anything horror! Hey remember when you'd wake up and i'd say how you doing? And you'll say what??! And again i'll say how you doing?But this time I'd scream in your ear so loud you fall over unconscious!?Good times man good times! You better stay out of this little girl's way!
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