Thread: June update
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Old 07-05-2007, 04:56 AM   #17
Settling In
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Default Game Scores

Anyone notice that Best Friend scores are not showing up on the games anymore? I have several times played mini-games using my 4yo son's account while he is in pre-school. When I check the scores, my account's score (I am his best friend and he is mine) does not show up. After playing several games I log out. When I log into my account and check the same games (and it has not mattered if it was the same day or the next), the score's I got playing my son's account do not show up.

Also, the have been several games that when I check the world high scores, they scores are all 0 although the game has been out for a while. Seems like CN has given up on maintaining game scores, probably while they are out fixing other aspects of the game. Or maybe creating new games because it sure seems like there are a lot being released on a frequent basis.
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