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Old 07-03-2007, 06:36 AM   #7
"C" the Dragon
Foster's Legend
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Originally Posted by zoton2 View Post
Well, first topic of mine here, and I think I've put it in the right place. If I haven't, please move it, thanks!

Well, I'm here to discuss about Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, but in German(y). If you want to know why I'm talking about this, I'll tell you...

Well, I got a satellite kit at the beginning of the year, and I set it up to point at the "Astra 19.2E" satellite (in Europe this is) and there is lots of German stuff on there, including cartoons and free MTV! XD

And then there's a channel called "Super RTL" which has a block (well, It's more like a 12+ hour block, so it's basically the whole channel ) called "Toggo". It shows kids shows and lots of cartoons, and one of these is Foster's. So, ages ago I decided to record a random episode, "Dinner is Swerved" so... yeah...

So, the shows title looks like this in German...

And the title card to "Dinner is Swerved"...

Well, there's nothing else to say much about it, except it's in German!

I will rip the episode and upload it soon, so you can see it, and hear the voices, if you want to! And there are no annoying on screen graphics (except those 2 logos) but the credits aren't the original.


Thanks, Zoton2

EDIT: Here is "Dinner is Swerved" in German...
(right click, save target as...)
That's cool and all, and I really want to see it, but all I got was a bunch of random letters and stuff.
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