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Old 06-27-2007, 04:39 PM   #68
Teenage Wasteland
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Live everyday like you're Glen Coco.  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: New Bark Town
Posts: 617
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I recently had a really cool dream. Actually one of my favourites.

So the dream starts off with me sitting on my bed. My dad walks in the room. He says "Happy birthday Claire!!! " and I say "Thanks dad, but my birthday was 5 months ago." then he says "Oh well. Everyday should be your birthday! Besides, I love giving things." and then I say "Alright then." Then he hands me 3 guitars that he apparently made himself. (For those who are interested, there was 1 brown electric guitar, one blue and white electric, and one brown accoustic.) So I said "Oh! Thanks so much dad!" I started playing the guitars, and the brown electric guitar ended up being my favourite for some reason. Anyway, I was playing the brown electric while walking down my street. Then, some approached me and said "Hey! You're really good at playing guitar! Do you want to be in my band?" so I said "Sure! What's your band called?" and the guy says "Bon Jovi!" so I'm like "Awesome!!!" Then the next thing I know, I'm at a concert in front of millions of people rocking out! It was really cool!

? Long Live Jeremiah ?
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