I leave the eggs with her until she loses interest then I throw them in the garbage disposal, as they are rotten by then. Her *first* one I drained out and kept though.
It isn't exactly "good" news that Kiwi is laying eggs (she didn't lay another yet, she lays them every other day so she may lay one tomorrow though I hope she won't) because it's a great drain on a bird's body to make an egg. This time, she's got a cuttlebone in her cage at least. Also brooding birds are moody and fidgety when away from their eggs, even if as in Kiwi's case they aren't really in the "baby-making" mindset. They just have an instinct to stay near the eggs. So Kiwi will beg to come out to play, then start screaming to go back five seconds later.

It's annoying. Only "good" thing about her being in this mode is that, as long as she's in her cage, she's quieter and I can get more sleep.