Thread: Eduardo
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Old 09-08-2006, 02:23 PM   #33
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Uh oh, hold onto your hats. Here comes CG to talk about Eduardo. [ahem]

Eduardo really is a big sweetie.

I've never seen him openly hate someone, or something. Sure he gets angry and pouty, as most children do, but I've never seen him out right dislike someone/something and stay like that with no intention of changing his feelings later. Except for maybe spiders.

His innocence is what drew me to him, really. While Wilt is world worn and apologetic, Bloo is obnoxious and self centred, and Coco is just a crazy larakin; Eduardo (despite his obvious age) still has the mind of a five year old. Everything still seems new to him even after all this time. He takes great joy from the smallest of things, for example his Beanie Baggies. Also how enrapt he got because of a mattress sale was another example. Agerage people would think nothing of it, but for Eduardo the prospect of buying himself something that normally costs so much for so little was a big event for him.

He values his friendships too, because even if some situations have out right terrified him from time to time (big example being the Pilot), he still follows after them and sticks by through the tough times. Especially the tough times, as evident when his Guardian nature overthrows his ?cowardice? and he becomes a raging bull. Even over something as tiny as a spider for a little girl he hardly knew. That was sweet, even if he did over do it; but it?s evident his fear of spiders is one of the worst. Man. Hate to imagine him being around that Daddy Long Legs like friend we saw Mac standing on in ?The Big Cheese?.

Yes Eduardo is scared of many things, but there has to be a really good reason as to why he takes great fear from every day things. One of my theories is that he witnessed something truly terrifying (be it at his own hands or someone else?s) and it showed him just how dangerous things can be. He?s cautious also at the same time as scared. He?s borderline, I suppose. Maybe he?s partially scared of himself, when he does become the fearsome Guardian and he treads carefully in fears of something sparking his anger and unleashing his power. I mean he?s obviously tough; he was pulling the legs off that Extremeasaur in the pilot, and also capable of lifting a bus with little effort. He could do some real damage to anything (the house obviously since he?s been capable of running through walls when fuelled right), and I think he knows that. So he'd rather be cautious and let things scare him into running away then face things head on and be a big meanie.

As much as Wilt has a more interesting backstory to be found out, I am still loooking forward to the small moment in 'Good Wilt Hunting' when we are rumored to meet up with Eduardo's creator. His creator is thought to be a girl, given Eduardo's love of fairly girly things despite being in all things, a boy. This big, burly, sharp toothed and sharp horned Guardian likes collecting toys, is terrified of creepy crawlies, likes pink, and is just generally going against his self image. I can't wait to see her. I can't wait to see who brought this great Spanglish (lol) speaking Imaginary to life and why she did give him up. Was he too much of a handful? Did she outgrow the need for a Guardian? Questions in need of answering. And I hope we do get at least some answered. I don't need all of them, just a few.

But here's my small rant : Eduardo episode for the next season please. That's what was missing from this season. For me, Eduardo centric episodes are sometimes the sweetest ones out there. Who let the Dogs In, Eddie Monster, Land of the Flea... heck, even if Squeakerboxxx wasn't really 'his' episode his moments were so gosh darned adoreable how could anyone hate him? Putting so much love into one squeaking elephant toy and treating it as it was a baby? Gaahhh... colour me tickled pink. Pun intended.

So yes. Please give Eduardo his much deserved episode in Season Five.

Thats all.

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