Thread: June update
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Old 06-18-2007, 02:57 PM   #7
At Home
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 191

Can we PLEASE keep all this in one thread? ? ? ? It's already been posted or asked like 3 or 4 times that locations have changed. Let's keep all this information in the JUNE UPDATE THREAD!!

It just clutters up the board and you look like a fool by posting something that has already been posted several other places. Try READING the message boards before you start posting stuff to make sure that information is already there.

I know it's more work for the moderators, but could extra posts like these just be locked? (or deleted) Sorry, I just get REALLY annoyed each time a new update occurs and a bazillion people post the exact same info and flood the message boards because they refuse to actually READ the messages.
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