Thread: Never Forgotten
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Old 06-15-2007, 03:19 PM   #37
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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I guess I'll put this here...

Well folks, the bandwidth usage on this site is seriously beating me down. A while back I migrated all the images from the BFAHP section over to my other site theneitherworld to alleviate some of the bandwidth usage, but now theneitherworld is suffering for it. I can't afford the projected overage fees my server quoted me, so I have removed all images from the BFAHP section save the maps, secret codes, and the basic images. I took down the chores, the characters, and the minigames images. When I get the time I'll go back and just describe stuff in text, but I'm hoping that taking down the images will help. I also removed the Sims 2 packages I had up for download (which were also hosted at theneitherworld) because they were hurting me too.

If this doesn't help I will have to cough up more per month. Oh well.
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