I'm actually really looking forward to more episodes of Ben 10 ESPECIALLY after "Be afraid of the dark". Ben's got loads of new aliens, and with that new ability to obtain any DNA from any alien that touches the omnitrix, I have a feeling were going to see him start obtaining a hell of a lot more.
I just wonder how the creators are going to keep use with using all of these new alien forms. I assumed the original reason that Ghostfreak exited the watch and was killed was because they needed to make room for the newer aliens Cannonbolt and Wild Vine in order to keep the watch's alien count close to 10.
But now they got Benwolf, Boltneck, Astro Mummy, Upchuck etc. This is alot of aliens to take in, plus don't forget in "Ben 10,000" Ben has even MORE alien forms and I bet you anything the newer ones that appeared in that episode are going to show up as well. I just wish they'd explain more things bout the watch.
And now that Gwen and Max are becoming more "team go" like, I'm seriously concerned the shows level of "Ben bashing" will increase which is my biggest complaint about the show

. Even if Ben wasn't my favorite character, it really bothers me when a shows running gag is just finding new ways to make one character suffer and become the butt of everyone else's joke.