Yes! There are certain high scores you must reach in order to get the Buddies and the furniture and music, too. Snow Bound was an example of the information I was saying you should post, so we could help you figure out why you aren't getting the Buddies. I could have used any game as an example, I just randomly pick it. If you still aren't getting Buddies, then post the information like I showed you and we'll help you figure out what's up.
When you go to play one of the games, or unlock a new one, click on the "My Scores" tab on the left of the screen. It will show you what scores you need to reach in order to get a gift. Those gifts will open up and be an award. There are high scores you need to reach on all 3 of the Game Levels, for each and every game.
CHECK NOTEY!!! A lot of this can be answered by reading up in Notey about the arcade and the games. Click on the Question mark on the left side for FAQs and explainations of features in the house. It tells you all this information and will probably explain it a whole lot better than I am.
