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Old 06-05-2007, 11:01 PM   #74
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 191

Yeah, I'm sorry, I meant GAME #, or what GAME level were you playing (1, 2, or 3) not what level on your particular turn in one of the 3 games.

If you can give as much information as you can then we can maybe help you better. An example would be:

Snow Bound
Game 1: Snowball Attack
Flying Hearts (Buddy)
I reached a score of 1438 in the game and the required top score is 1250, yet I didn't receive the Flying Hearts buddy (or the Tree Lamp or anything else you didn't get that you should have).

The more info the better.

One glitch that many of us have had is we will achieve the high scores and get the rewards, only to have them disappear from our suitcase later. I know I've had that happen on Cracked Up a handful of times. Most likely the problem is not completely logging out of the game. Make sure you log out and not just close the window when you're done playing. Sometimes it doesn't completely save where you're at, or who knows what else, and things have been known to disappear. Since I've made sure that I completely log out, I've never had this problem again. Who knows if it's actually related, but it works.

Last edited by Vicks; 06-05-2007 at 11:03 PM.
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