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Old 09-06-2006, 06:15 PM   #29
The Best Character on the Show
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Originally Posted by DoubleLatte View Post
There aren't any previews of JV's comics. He's touchy about those kinda things. Most you'll be able to find are snippets here or there with one quote. I wasn't particularly fond of Johnny myself, but I loved reading those shorts. Annie Guish couldn't have taken a better stab at the goth subculture. I Feel Sick is slightly less morbid than JTHM, which is why I had an easier time reading it. It's really good. Go try it.

LOL! Yeah, I was probably in one of those groupies. I had gotten enough of my friends and family members into it that I probably could have started a Zim cult.
I'm merely assuming this since you list I Feel Sick and JTHM and not it, but if you haven't you really SHOULD read Squee!. In all honesty, it really did break from the overly morbid atmosphere of JTHM and I Feel Sick and was, in my honest opinion, the spiritual predecessor to Invader Zim. If you look really hard, you'll see that the writing style he used for Zim was a somewhat more toned down version of Squee, which really deviated from the styles of his other two comics (well, major comics; I don't really consider his BAC a really project).

And Zim was awesome. My five favorite episodes, in order, are:

1. Mysterious Mysteries
2. Megadoomer
3. Attack of the Saucer Morons
4. Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom
5. Room with a Moose
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