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Old 05-31-2007, 04:28 AM   #6
Ditchy McAbandonpants
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Sorry, you must have me confused with some other Harrier jet.  
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Posts: 191

Ooookay, for a second there I thought that this meant that Michael Jackson was buying the rights to the Popeye theme tune so that he could release a cover of it.

"I'm strong to the finish (girl...), 'cos I eats me spinach (eee-heee!), I'm Popeye the Sailor Man(ow!)!"
*grabs crotch, starts moonwalking*

...actually, that would be ace, I'd buy that.
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
Ditchy McAbandonpants
"Is not dead, despite all external indications suggesting otherwise."
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