Er, not to bellitle your statement or anything, but since when has Wilt been an authority figure? I always saw him as being one of the guys.
As for Wilt and Frankie "torture" we hear of, it's kind of the main way in which their characters are funny. I mean, Frankie doesn't often do crazy stuff, (though boy, does she have her moments) so all that's left is to put her in humourous situations. As for Wilt, he CAN be funny without being in distress (my favourite Wilt line is "I can starve first if it helps"), but still, it is quite funny to see him being taken advantage of, cause he's such a nice guy, and noone else would put up with that stuff. Though I realise he can't win all the time, I DO like it when Wilt gets good stuff to happen to him in the end.
Anyhows, I believe they're saving all the good Wilt and Frankie moments in season five for later, cause those're gonna be the BEST.