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Old 05-28-2007, 07:51 PM   #6
Ol' Grandpa Trout
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Posts: 680

My favorite Bloo moment is not neccessarily a touching moment, but I really loved the line "You, sir, hath been PWNED!" in Make Believe it or Not!

My favorite Ed moment is whenever he comes back from the dentist in Cheese A Go-Go and he tells Frankie "You es IT, girl... Oh babe, you smell like pineapples!"

My favorite Coco moment is seeing her take care of her nerds in Good Wilt Hunting. I know they didn't create her, but it was so sweet the way she acted kind of motherly towards them.

My ultimate favorite Wilt moment(s) are definetely the hug and the one-on-one basketball game between Wilt and Jordan at the end of Good Wilt Hunting... it's so sweet. My favorite funny moment is in One False Movie where he says "Tell my son... *looks wide-eyed and directly at the camera* I love him!"

My favorite Frankie moment (following Cassini's trend here) is whenever she tells Coco she makes the scale read five pounds heavier to make her feel better. That was so sweet of her!
Ultra-Intergalactic-Cybot G, Marina Liteyears. Her knife kick will punish you!
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