Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n
So, I've been thinking for a while and was wondering: What's the moment you love the most for each friend? For example, my favourite Coco moment is in House of Bloos when she lays Bloo the egg which has a picture of Mac in it. Sure, she's done a lot of crazy and funny stuff over the years, but I still like that moment the best.
I still can't decide on my favourites for the rest of the cast, it's really hard. So, I'd like to hear about YOUR favourite moment for a friend. I'm sure it's good!
Hmm...I really liked that moment, too-it was like Coco understood exactly what that would mean to Bloo despite the fact that she can be a little crazy sometimes! XD That's what I love so much about the show-the characters are pretty three-dimensional for a cartoon that is aimed mostly toward the younger audience.
But as for my favorite IF moment I really can't pick one...there are too many of them to count.

But I GUESS...that if I HAD to pick one that it would be when Ed got over his fears in the episode "Eddie Monster" and ended up braving all of those dangers to help his friends in the end. I just thought that was pretty cool. However, I'm sure there are others that would qualify for good moments as well.