I don't know what, but like PBL something drew me to Wilt even before I watched the show, saw his personality, or heard his voice. I saw a picture of him and I was like "Whoa! He looks awesome!!" and the funny part is that I was so preoccupied with how cheerful and bright he looked, I didn't even notice he was missing an arm or had a wonky eye until I stared at it for a good, long while. After that, I guess you could say Wilt is one of the main reasons I started watching Foster's. I liked Cartoon Network, but I hadn't got a chance to watch Foster's and see how good it really is, but after I saw Wilt, I became briefly infatuated with finding anything and everything out about him because he was such an interesting character. The first time I ever watched Foster's, I was thinking "FIND OUT ALL I CAN ABOUT THAT GUY!!!"

I searched on the internet in about every corner I could think to look (occasionally finding some of PBLs thoughts and theories, which were HUGELY helpful in my understanding of him), and finally happening upon NF. I've been here for almost a year now, but I'd watched Foster's for a good while before that... it just took me a while to find this place and not the old forum and then work up the nerve to introduce myself.
After joining here, I found out it was ok to be so passionate about something (in my quest to find out more about "that tall red guy", I grew to LOVE the entire show), and that it wasn't psychotic to actually look up to a character like Wilt as a role model. He's an inspiration to me, and I've mentioned before that I seriously need a bracelet that says "W.W.W.D?" because I think that all the time, and I'm happy about that because it's made me a better person, I think. Not to mention, his athleticism has inspired me yet again to improve myself, and I've become more active and have lost 15 lbs because of it!
Ahhh, Wilt. If only he knew how much we love him.